Collection of articles containing this tag.
05 Jan 2023
Algo to calculate option prices using Binomial Model
Build a simple computer program in step by step to help you calculate option contract prices using binomial option pricing model.
Binomial Option Pricing Model for Algo Traders
Simple language introduction to Binomial Option Pricing Model with worked out examples.
5 Option Pricing Models for every Algo Traders
There are several different models that are commonly used by the traders to predict price of options, as each of them takes into account different factors.
Wrap your head around Options Pricing without a PhD in math
Become a pro at option pricing models and trading with this series of articles. You will understand the theory behind option pricing and learn practical trading implications to help you succeed.
08 Nov 2022
VIX does not reflect short term NIFTY volatility in 2022
NIFTY is more volatile than what Volatility Index (VIX) implies. In this article, we calculate the short term volatility of NIFTY from the year 2018 to 2022.
Using VIX to determine short-term NIFTY ranges
This study attempts to use VIX (Volatility Index) to determine short term ranges for NIFTY and compares the result with the actual historical data.
How to get free, high quality NSE Option data
This article teaches you how to get good quality NSE data (stocks, futures, options) for both Index and stocks completely free using NSEpy python package.
How to find yfinance ticker symbols for Indian stocks?
Trick to find the Ticker Symbol of NSE listed stocks to download financial data using yfinance.
My respones to SEBI's Consultation Paper on Algorithmic Trading by Retail Investors
Responses to SEBI's Consultation Paper on Algorithmic Trading by Retail Investors published on 9-Dec-2021 in SEBI website.
The right way to place trading orders using Zerodha Kite API
How to place trade orders properly using Zerodha Kite API, and things that you need to understand about order execution flow.